Thursday, 18 August 2011

Day to Day

I had my appointment with the doctor who treats Blasto on Monday afternoon. He was happy with the progress I've made.

I am now eating more gluten and lactose containing products and have had no side effects which is great!! On Sunday night I even had an ice cream with no pain and then on Monday I had a normal muffin and a piece of normal chocolate slice (not very healthy, I know) and had no reaction.

My stomach is also less tender (or something like that) , when you poke it it doesn't hurt as much as before the treatment for my Blasto. Which is another good sign.

I know have to wait for 3 more weeks and then get re-tested. I'm not feeling to good today but the treatment not only tried to kill the bad stuff in my stomach it also killed the good stuff in my stomach, so now I just have to wait for everything to settle down and see if my pains are still here. Hopefully not!!

Yesterday and today and I have no school, so I'm working on the SEVEN assignments I have due!! I've finished one, maths, which is due tomorrow and the rest I've done a bit on but I've got alot of catching up to do as well!!

I hope everyone is having a good week!!


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