Here is my current stash:
I was looking at my door frame the other day and thought how bland it was. I wanted to do something to brighten it up a bit that didn't cost anything and this is what I thought of. Decorating it with flowers punched out of paint chips!!
From this: To this:
And no the wall colour doesn't change when you do this project, I just didn't take a picture of my door before I put the flowers on so I took one of my brothers instead which is the same size, just his walls are not pink!!
-Paint chips
-Blue tack or glue
-Flower puncher
-Glitter Glue (optional)
This is the punch I used.
Chose the colours you want your flowers to be, I chose pinks.
And then start cutting an equal amount of flowers from each colour (you could also do all the same colour too). I used about 175 flowers.
Then put a tiny bit of blue tack or glue onto each flower and glue/stick it to the door frame. I used blue tack so that when I get sick of them I can pull them all off and the paint won't come off with them as well.
I spaced mine about 3cm apart and alternated sides each time but you could have them further apart or closer together and in a straight line. Whatever you like.

You could also add a glitter glue centre, I did this to a few but I couldn't tell a difference unless I was really close to the flowers, so I stopped.
I also did not do all the way down the side of the door frame closest to the wall as you can't see this when the door is open and I hardly ever shut my door.
See, no one will ever notice. You could also do all the way around if you like as well.
And you're finished!! A quick, cheap and affective project!!
And here's another project I've done with paint chips, magnetic pegs.
To hold my papers on my whiteboard.
They have a strip of magnet on the back but are just wooden clothes pegs.
I've also got one blue tacked to my wall above my desk to hold my daily timetable.
If anyone would like a tutorial for these just leave me a comment and I'll do one soon.
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