Ok, so I may have decided to give up on the whole blogging thing...with school consuming most of my life and little free time I really just felt like it would be easy for me to have a break/stop all together. However every now and then I think, Oh I should blog about this or I won't remember this unless I blog about it.
So I thought I would do a little update:)
Since my last blog, at the start of the year, so so much has happened!! I will try and do it in categories so it makes more sense but I'm not going to dot point it like last time.
School to begin with has been STRESSFUL and to be honest I'm finding it hard to cope. The stress and pressure I feel constantly under (from myself and my school) is often too much for me to handle and tears and breakdowns result. However I do enjoy the company from the wonderful girls who go to my school and the majority of my teachers are supportive and encouraging.
I do find it hard to believe that I am almost entering my last year of school and am extremely NERVOUS as it is only going to get harder.
My health has been great with regards to my blasto (now gone). I have not really experienced any of those symptoms at all this year and although I have some restrictions with regards to how much gluten and lactose containing foods I can eat, there is little to complain about.
However I unfortunately had another health scare in August. I was sitting in class, first period and had a sudden onset of stabbing pains on my lower left side, near my hip bone. I could barely stand or walk and the pain was unbearble. My parents were called and collected me immeditaly. I went home with the hope that resting, pain relief and a heat pack would resolve the issue. However by about 2pm I was still in significant pain so my mother took me to our GP. She was quite concerned with the nature and severity of the pain and so sent us to the closest hospital.
I was assessed and taken for an ultrasound and they found what seemed to be a burst ovarian cyst. I was then transferred to the major public hospital as they had a specialised gynaecological team. I was put in an ambulance and made the short 20 minute drive by myself as my mother was not allowed to ride with me.
The hospital did believe it was a burst ovarian cyst and I was admitted over night for monitoring as typically severe pain is experienced initially but lessens over time. However, of course I wasn't typical and to cut a long story short 10 days later and after several admissions I needed surgery to clean out and remove the mess left behind by the cyst which was still causing me pain.
While the pain from the cysts disappeared after the surgery, I had a nasty reaction to the anaesthetic and spent close to 6 hours in recovery as I failed to remember my name or the year, open my eyes or keep my oxygen saturated at an acceptable level.
I don't remember much from the time I spent in recovery and was eventually taken back to my private room later that night. I barely remember anything from that night and only have vague memories from the following day. I was released late the following day but could barely walk, sit up or move.
I had two small cuts, one in my belly button and on my left side but the pain they caused was crippling, I also had terrible pains in my shoulders from the gas that was pumped into my stomach in order for the surgeons to able to have a good look. 1.5 weeks after the surgery I returned to school and did my best to catch up. I no longer have any remaining issues from this and am happy to be healthy again.
As I said in my last post I travelled to Cambodia in June/July and had an amazing time!! I learnt many things from the trip and enjoyed being able to give back and help those who are less fortunate than myself. I won't elaborate that much as I don't have the time but it was definitely a memorable experience.
While I was in Cambodia my brother and my parents went to Japan and in the September/October holidays while my brother went on his school ski trip to Canberra, I went with my parents to Japan, which I loved!!
I also started 'Clean Eating' in April and have more or less continued to eat clean. I hope I have time on the christmas holidays to share with you all some clean recipes which I have been making and loving!!
And lastly I had my semi formal in July which was an enjoyable event although the lead up and finding the perfect dress was also stressful!!
I think I have covered all the major things that have happened!! Hopefully I'll pop in again before the year ends but I won't be promising anything:)
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