Saturday, 25 June 2011

Report Cards

Well I received my mid year end of semester report card yesterday.

I knew my report was getting posted on Thursday but I didn't know if I would receive it on Friday or on Monday. As we were getting closer to my house I saw a big yellow envelope sticking out of m letter box, I instantly knew it was my report card as my school always sends it in a yellow envelope, and my stomach dropped. I knew I couldn't change the marks written on it but I was sooo anxious. I know I know, it is only year 9 but my marks are very important to me.

I opened it up and store at it for a few seconds and then it hit was not what I was hoping for. My school has a system that if you get 5 out of a possible 8 A's you receive a green academic award, if you get 6 then it's a red academic award and if you get 7 or 8 it's a blue and they count A- A or A+ all as A's. The past 2 semesters of year 8 I received 2 green awards. My semester 2 results were from my term 3 exams as I missed all of the exams in term 4.

I was aiming for  a Blue award but realistically I was hoping for a red award. I did NOT want another green (this may sound a bit snobby but I expect very highly of myself).

So I open up my report and here are my marks:
Religious Education A- (not really sure why as I have never received an A- all semester only A's but anyway)
Advanced Mathematics B+ (this is probably what I am most upset with as I was sitting on an A+ all of term 1 and then didn't do so well with my term 2 exam-it makes sense I'm just not very happy)
English B+
Enterprise Education A-
Home Economics A
Multimedia Studies A+
Science A-
Social Science B

So not to bad but not what I was hoping for!! So another green badge for me I guess.
To be honest I cried and cried and cried last night, I was so disappointed in myself. I tried my absolute hardest and I don't think I could have tried anymore or put in any more work in but I was still soooo upset.

I have been told by my doctors not to expect my marks to stay the same as they were and that I should be happy with anything above a C which is average but I don't want to let my illness hold me back and I don't want to use it as an excuse. I just wanted a red or blue award soooo bad.

I guess going from 1 day absent in semester 1 of last year to 15 days absent, 3 late arrivals and 7 early departures from school semester 1 this year and maintaining my marks is not to bad and I know I should be happy with what I have got and I know I can't change what has happened but I just never know if I can or will be happy with it.

I guess I would be a lot more upset if I got noting, so I think I am pleased with a green badge but just not happy with it. And I've got something to work towards next semester I guess.


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