Monday, 27 June 2011

Tomorrow (and mish mash)

At 9 I have a dentist appointment for 2 fillings. The first 2 I have ever had...I am sooo scared!!
Then at 11:45 I have a doctors appointment with my GP because they have found a parasite in my stomach called Blastocystis. This parasite is very hard to eliminate as it hides in the intestinal mucus and sticks and holds on very hard to your intestinal membranes. Hopefully this will go away and relieve some of my pains but the doctors believe that this is not the main cause of my pain.

Today I spent the day with my Uncle and my 2 adorable cousins, A is 5 and N is 2. The oldest is a boy and he loves to wrestle with me!! He is in prep and his school is beside mine. The youngest a girl, she is loving and kisses everyone and is just so cute. She loves to dance and has just learnt my name. I love the pair of them and just can't spend enough time with them.

I love babies and children and I love spending time with young ones. When I am older I want to have 4 children, ideally 2 girls and 2 boys but I don't really mind as long as I have at least 1 girl. I love to look at all the cute baby clothes and I love love love looking at prams!! Weird I know but I love it. I have always dreamt of being a mother and often think about what type of mother I would be and how cute my children could be. 

I think the thought of my future including my future children has kept me going through this illness. I know I can't give up because I long so bad for my future children. I can't wait to be a mother and hopefully a great one at that. 

I hope every one has a great week!!


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